

In line with the promulgation of Law Number 20 year 2003 regarding the National Education system, the Higher Education Quality Assurance began to be implemented. Higher Education Quality Assurance aims to ensure the quality of higher education implementation by universities in Indonesia, including the Islamic University of Malang (UNISMA).

UNISMA as a university has started to implement internal quality assurance and compile the organizational structure and quality assurance personnel as follows:

1. A Monitoring and Evaluation Team was formed (Tim Monevin) through the Chancellor’s Decree Number: 256/L.16/U.XII/2004. Monitoring and evaluation activities carried out by the Monevin Team are still monitoring and evaluating the implementation of Grant Programs obtained by several units in UNISMA.

2. The organization and work procedures of the Quality Assurance Unit of the Islamic University of Malang were formed by issuing the Rector’s Decree No. 64/L.16 / U.III / 2007 and Personnel of Quality Assurance Center (PPM) Islamic University of Malang with Decree No. 297/L.16/U.V/2007 (Period of time 2007-2011).

3. Quality Assurance Center Structure (PPM) Unisma has been perfected through the Rector’s Decree Number : 20/L.16 / U.IV / 2012 dated 7 April 2012 (Period of time 2012 – 2015).

4. Appointment of Quality Assurance Center personnel (PPM) UNISMA with the Chancellor’s Decree Number 53 / L.16 / U.VII / UK / 2015 for the period 2015 – 2019.

Monitoring and evaluation as well as internal quality audits are carried out starting with the preparation of quality documents. Quality documents are always being improved and refined in accordance with the development of the higher education quality assurance system. Likewise, the quality assurance cycle also continues to be developed and will be implemented with a cycle model that includes: Determination, Implementation, Implementation evaluation, Implementation control, and Improved standards or abbreviated as PPEPP. Of all the stages and implementation of UNISMA’s internal quality assurance which is always carried out consistently and continuous improvement, a quality culture will be achieved by UNISMA..


Poor, 10 October 2017

Chairman of PPM,


Dr. Ir. Mahayu Woro Lestari, MP.